
Understanding theology does not need to be difficult. Real World Theology presents teachings of, and about Scripture, in a simple to understand format.


If knowledge of God does not affect the way we live, what is the point? We give practical perspectives on the Bible, Theology, Apologetics, and other subjects.


Confidently talking about God should be as simple as any other conversation. Our goal is to embolden believers to share their faith with those around them.


Apologetics provides a reasonable defense for Christianity.

Providing a logical basis for Christianity should result in a better understanding of, as well as a confident ability to share foundational truths for the Christian faith.

God has revealed Himself to His creation through the Bible.

These expositional teachings will be chapter-by-chapter, verse-by-verse presentations of God’s Word. The teachings will focus on providing a practical perspective of what God has revealed about Himself, man, sin, salvation, etc. There will also be an applicational aspect to the teachings, for those who wonder, “what does the Bible have to do with me?”

Are you interested in formal training to improve your ability to serve the Lord?

The Holy Spirit equips each believer in order to expand His kingdom, but the believer also has a responsibility to prepare adequately for the mission. We offer training in How to Study the Bible, How to Teach the Bible, Evangelism, and more.

Real World Theology focuses on the intersection of our faith and our reality.

How do you respond when your faith is truly tested? What does the Bible say about death, evil, marriage, cultural relevancy, etc? This series will answer many of the hard questions believers face, from a Biblical perspective.

Christian Theology is the study of God, His nature, and various other topics.

Our fundamental knowledge of God will greatly effect our ability to speak accurately about God. Our goal is to teach the core essentials of Christian thought in a simple, useful, and encouraging way which prompts the student to engage with the world around them.